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Winter Weight Gain

Posted by Iren Frasheri, CNP on 2019 Jan 24th

Winter Weight Gain

Hello!To whoever is reading this: I hope you’re having a great day and that this post doesn’t trigger you in any way. It’s fully written with love and as a means to normalize “winter weight gain.”If you live in Toronto/GTA/Canada, then you know winter isn’t all beaches and sunshine as it may currently be in Australia. While we miss the sand, sun, and sea – winter doesn’t have to be a sad, negative time whatsoever. I’ve written a few blogs…

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New Year Motivation

Posted by Iren Frasheri, CNP on 2019 Jan 17th

New Year Motivation

It’s the time to hear, “New year, new me” on repeat and guess what? We are ALL FOR IT. While some people think the new year is simply another day on the calendar, we’re totally encouraging all the positivity! The key: to make realistic goals and hold yourself accountable for them, but also not to take life too seriously in the meanwhile. A fresh start always feels nice, whether that’s a new day, week, month, year, or any other “beginning” t…

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Ah, Acne

Posted by Iren Frasheri, CNP on 2018 Dec 27th

Ah, Acne

Judging by the title, today’s topic is a touchy one… We’ve all had acne at one point or another in our lives, and let me tell you IT IS NORMAL. There’s the typical adolescent acne you get as you’re growing into puberty or for some females that one painful, pimple that pops up before your menstrual cycle begins. Regardless, acne isn’t fun to deal with because it can often be painful and for some it can also be uncomfortable because of its ph…

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The Student Struggle

Posted by Iren Frasheri, CNP on 2018 Dec 14th

The Student Struggle

Well, it is THAT season again. I’m not talking about the Netflix-watching, tree-decorating, cookie-baking season (although it’s that too), I’m talking about the dreaded EXAM SEASON.If you have been or are currently a student, I’m sure you’re not a fan of this time of the school year. It seems that everything just magically piles up and becomes stressful all of a sudden. Not only do you somehow get behind on readings, but your laundry seems…

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​Coffee: A Go or A No?

Posted by Iren Frasheri, CNP on 2018 Dec 6th

​Coffee: A Go or A No?

It’s no surprise that we live in a city (country… world…) that basically lives off of coffee. That steamy, warm cup of “Joe” that you just cannot live without. So, I’m here to tell you: there’s good news and there’s bad news. But mostly good.I’ll start with the bad news first (you know, just to get it out of the way): EVERYTHING should be done in moderation, and that includes coffee. Those multiple cups a day that seem to be “getting you th…

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